Flipped Learning and distance education in secondary education 2022-1-EL01-KA122-SCH-000078434 The main goal of the project is the professional development of the beneficiaries through the exchange [.......]
KA1 2021
ΒΑΣΙΛΗΣ ΜΟΥΣΑΦΕΙΡΗΣ2021-12-03T14:28:54+03:00INTEGRATION AND MULTICULTURALITY 2021-1-EL01-KA122-SCH-000030701 Τhis program concerns a week-long educational visit of 4 teachers (beneficiaries) of the Evening High School - LT. Karditsa (sending organization), [.......]
KA1 2020
ΒΑΣΙΛΗΣ ΜΟΥΣΑΦΕΙΡΗΣ2021-04-23T12:24:54+03:00Emotional Intelligence and Soft Skills in order to Integrate minority, migrant & refugee at European schools 2020-1-EL01-KA101-077919 Significant efforts have been made in Europe [.......]
KA1 2019
ΒΑΣΙΛΗΣ ΜΟΥΣΑΦΕΙΡΗΣ2023-02-01T20:27:40+03:00Innovative teaching methods to reduce school leaving 2018-1-EL01-KA101-047572 This program concerned a one week training visit of 4 teachers (beneficiaries) of the Evening School of [.......]