Innovative teaching methods to reduce school leaving


This program concerned a one week training visit of 4 teachers (beneficiaries) of the Evening School of Karditsa (sending partner) in Turin, Italy to the Euroform RFS educational organization (host partner) in order to attend classes about school drop, intercultural adult education, design and implementation of adult education programs.

a) School dropout
b) Adult education
c) Intercultural education
d) The system of formal secondary education in Italy

The objectives of the project were:
– To get acquainted with modern educational methods and related educational material in the above subjects
– To compare education systems in Greece and Italy and their connection to the labor market, etc.
– To improve the quality of their educational programs by using the knowledge they have acquired
– To integrate the new production and work organization methods for their educational programs.
– To exchange views and experiences and to learn about the practical problems related to the education process their colleagues face in the evening secondary schools and other relevant educational institutions in Italy.
– To evaluate the training program they will attend and participate in the meeting with all other participants (trainers and trainees), where experiences will be compared.

Four (4) teachers of different specialties participated. They needed training on issues related to:
1) the problem of school dropout which is a major problem in evening education,
2) intercultural education as for the first time, foreign students (refugees) attend our new school program for refugees,
3) the field of Adult Education, since their education was incomplete and are immediately called to train adult learners in an ever-changing environment that requires teaching update and behaviour issues of adult educators.
These teachers had basic IT skills and the majority of them are English speakers (working language) and one of them was fluent in Italian. Further training of these teachers on issues related to adult learning and intercultural learning through this program, was an essential and necessary complement to the training that preceded it.

The training included daily attendance at seminars in the host organization and visits to Italian public and private organizations as well as voluntary organizations.
1) at the offices of the “Integration Service” of the City of Turin where they were informed about the intervention, dynamics and results of the “Play it again, Sam!” Project, an organized active network project to reduce school dropout in the Turin area .
2) at “Civico Zero”, a project implemented by the partnership of the non-profit association “Save the Children” and the municipality of Turin. It offers advice on integration and social inclusion services and activities. They include, for example, linguistic creative laboratory activities, use of new technologies, orientation activities and school reintegration activities.
3) at ASAI, a voluntary association, active for 25 years in the Turin area, which deals with social issues such as school dropout, school reintegration and adult education activities.

Teacher Education contributed to:
– the quality improvement of teaching and learning process
– the teachers’ ability to evaluate and use the productive factors in their School.
– the professional development and improvement of the participants’ performance and development of the triptych: Knowledge-Skills-Attitudes.
– Action has also contributed to the dissemination of knowledge / experience and thus to the link between education and social life.
– Adoption of new teaching methods and techniques.
– We have become a member of an online community and have become equal in the contemporary European reality.
The project was implemented over a period of 16 months from 1/9/2018 until 31/12/2019.
The flow took place: from 25/8/2019 to 1/9/2019 in Turin, Italy at the Euroform RFS training organization.