LTTA 4 «INNOVATION AND MOBILE LEARNING» (2018-1-EL01-KA229-047747) 4ο LTTA – TURKEY 1st Day2nd Day3rd Day4th DayRecent NewsAkis Panagos2023-05-15T15:50:22+03:00Introducing the 1st Newsletter of the P4P projectAkis Panagos2023-05-15T15:10:49+03:00The project “Play for the Planet” – P4PAkis Panagos2023-05-02T16:55:34+03:00Online meeting of the project “Play for the Planet” – P4PAkis Panagos2023-02-02T14:10:43+03:00New Erasmus+ project “Play for the Planet: Board games as a means of teaching sustainability” has started – P4PAkis Panagos2023-02-01T22:04:57+03:001st online meeting of the P4P projectAkis Panagos2023-02-01T22:02:32+03:00Participation of our school in the Erasmus Days 2022 ΒΑΣΙΛΗΣ ΜΟΥΣΑΦΕΙΡΗΣ2021-04-26T10:59:44+03:00
Akis Panagos2023-02-02T14:10:43+03:00New Erasmus+ project “Play for the Planet: Board games as a means of teaching sustainability” has started – P4P