Keep Calm and Stop Bullying

2020-1- ES01-KA229-082391_3

The project is due to peer bullying, school dropout, absenteeism, uninterested and unwillingness to school, not wanting to go to school, desire to change school, anorexia in the morning, constant abdominal and headache, nickname, ridicule, humiliation, exclusion and physical harm. It is based on studies to minimize negative behaviors such as giving.
Defining the development of education and human resources as the pioneering force in the development of the EU, Europe 2020 draws attention to the potential contribution of education and training to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Those who are bullied frequently increase their chances of absenteeism 3 to 4 times. Reducing the early dropout rate below the 10% level, which is among the EU 2020 targets, coincides with the prevention of bullying behaviors.
In education, besides academic knowledge and skills, teaching of human rights, positive communication skills and approaches to solve problems without using violence, teaching students to increase anger control, self-expression skills, self-esteem and self-worth, and to increase the bond between students and institutions. Minimizing and increasing the pedagogical development and academic success of our students is the main motivation of our project.