Esperino Gymnasio – L.T. Karditsas is a public sector, non-profit, evening secondary education school, located in the city of Karditsa. It is a school that is divided in two sub-units and offers its students a 2nd or 3rd level of EQF system, certification, after their graduation. In our School, 16 teachers deliver courses to 72 students.
The age-range of the students vary between 16 – 40+ years old. The aim of the school is twofold, the first one is to offer public education to people who dropped out of school due to economic and social issues and come back to school to complete their education, the second one is to undertake all the proper actions to make their come back to school smoother in order to engage and motivate them to complete their schooling. The majority of the students consists of people that are underemployed or people that have inclusion issues and can’t attend the schedule of the daily schools.
Moreover, the most of them come from rural and disadvantaged areas where the affection of economic crisis intensifies the existed problems. Despite the existing problems we are proud because every year some of the students are accepted to universities or technological institutions (after they take the final national exams of the third grade) and we are also proud for their school behavior and active participation in extra-curricula school activities and projects. The uniqueness of our school is referred to the significant interaction between teachers and students. Students are being taught by teachers and teachers are being taught by students within a friendly school environment.
ABOUT USΒΑΣΙΛΗΣ ΜΟΥΣΑΦΕΙΡΗΣ2021-04-23T12:40:16+03:00