On Friday, the 4th of December 2020, we pulled through the 1st Online Meeting, the kick off meeting of our new project, ENGAGE.
This project has to do with teaching and learning English in the modern digitalized world.
The partners got the chance to meet one another for the first time and discuss about the project and exchange their opinions.
The aim of the project is to modernize teaching practices through updating/upgrading teachers’ knowledge and skills.
According to the European Commission, there is a “need for every citizen to have at least basic digital skills in order to live, work, learn and participate in the modern society”. Various initiatives aimed at increasing training in digital skills for modernising education across the EU and harnessing digital technologies for learning need to be taken.
Moreover, according to the European Union “the increased mobility between EU countries and the rising number of third country migrants and refugees coming to the EU in recent years have contributed to greater (linguistic) diversity in European classrooms. Multilingual schools are not a new feature of Europe’s diverse and complex linguistic landscape”. In addition, there is an increased number of students in Europe whose mother tongue is different from the language of instruction.